This month I am in my 31st month as a Commissioner serving the people of Clackamas County.

It has not been easy and many days I am frustrated at the slow progress toward trying to move the ball toward a better County for everyone.

Sometimes with only one vote I must compromise on some issues, but I never compromise on my values; the values I was elected to stand for.

-Respect for the Constitution of the United States of America

-Insistence on law and order 24/7/365

-Adherence to Judaeo/Christian values; the basis of law and how to live a more abundant life for all

-and Family Values; those values that build strong families that raise healthy, capable, well adjusted children who are able to thrive into the future.

These values lead to good decision making.

I ask the Creator each day to show me the road ahead, and for the strength and persistence to get there.

I am always available to work with any resident of the County on any issue that is of importance to you, your family and your business.

[email protected]

link to my Bio


Commissioner Mark Shull

Clackamas County