
Clackamas County Housing

I am asked every week, “What can you do to bring housing to Clackamas County that our young families can afford”. Here is my answer. Since 1973 Oregon has had the nation’s most restrictive statewide land-use regulatory system. A large percentage of our private land is zoned for either “exclusive farm use” or “exclusive forestry use,” which severely limits the…

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Commissioner Shull seeks re-election. Here he is on a very tall ladder hanging his campaign sign Clackamas County Commissioner Shull is a doer and a no-nonsense lawmaker. Commissioner Shull is a logger in his younger days, a bronze star veteran having served in Iraq as a lieutenant colonel (helping save the lives of U.S soldiers), builds his own house with…

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Exclusive Interview

HOODVIEW NEWS REPORT Sept. 2023 exclusive interview A Discussion with Clackamas County Commissioner Mark Shull Bill Wehr: You took office in January 2021. Over the course of the two and one half years you have been in office. What is an important major issue you have seen accomplished by the Board of Clackamas County Commissioner. Mark Shull: Due to the…

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Farmers and Ranchers

I I do not recall a time in my life that I was more concerned about food security for this nation. With the price of fuel and fertilizer, many farmers are finding it hard to make ends meet. That has the potential for less production this year. Add to that the drought in many of our nation’s food producing areas…

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Discipline and Responsibility

We live in a nation where more and more people look to the government to solve problems. Many American feel that they can shift personal responsibility and discipline away from themselves to government. Government cannot replace our duty to be responsible for our own lives and our own futures. Government bureaucrats will be more than happy to come up with…

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Stop Tolling!

The weight that the taxpayer is now bearing on his/her shoulders is now becoming unbearable and therefore unsustainable. The bureaucracy of government, at all levels, is extracting more and more vitality out of the people and the economy. It is called the Deep State at the federal level; unelected government employees who see the county as being made up of…

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I will continue to make motions to eliminate anything out of the county budget that’s paid for by hard-working taxpayers. We have to get back to a lean government, we have to get back to a cost-effective government, and you might agree that in the next few years we are going to be looking at a ever increasing paying taxes.…

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In Defense of the American Way

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Like many of you, I’ve closely watched the events of the past few months, both locally and nationally. Oregon’s largest city, Portland, has become the poster child for the differing visions of what our great nation should be. Knowing that the riots and lawlessness are happening not too far from Clackamas County has been a huge source of discomfort for…

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Birds of a Feather

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An old cliché states that you can judge a man by the company he keeps. If that’s the case, it certainly does not bode well for current Clackamas County Commissioner Ken Humberston, who has gone out of his way to be associated with outgoing Commissioner Jim Bernard. Bernard was defeated in the May primary election due largely to some of…

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